The Argosytech Chronicles

Flaunting my Ignorance for the World to see!

>A time for celebration!

>So we have reached that time of year again… That time of year in which Americans celebrate what is good and right with our country… Superbowl time! Wait… what?! Exactly! Why is so much time, effort and monies put into watching a bunch of overpaid children beat the shit out of each other? Okay, okay, not ALL of them are whiny little bitches that are more worried about having the most flash rims on their $100k+ vehicles… We’ll go with 95% of them. Aight, well 95% still seems a little high so we’ll go with 94.75%, there.  Don’t get me wrong I dig watching some mindless idiot getting his head nearly ripped off as good as the next person. What I don’t get is why that idiot is considered the “cream” of our society and looked up to so much, as well as paid so much. Sports are great. They, for the most part, teach our children cooperation and collaborative skills. Yet “worshipping” the adults who didn’t have the skills or intelligence to progress beyond the child-hood games is only doing our society as a whole a dis-service! Okay, so calling into question a professional athlete’s life skills and level of intelligence is kind of harsh, so I’ll refer you to the random numbers above. I guess what really chaps my ass about all the pomp and circumstance around a freakin GAME, is the fact that there is soooo much money involved in it! Money that finds it’s way from public coffers into the pockets of those that already have more than most “common” folk will see in a lifetime! This is predominant, at least in my mind (and probably the minds of the 1500+ employees of a local metropolitan school system that are going to lose their livelihood due to lack of funding!), is the fact that we the people pay for these huge over the top arenas and stadiums for these franchises that make 100’s of millions in profit, at the expense of our educational system. We, as a society, hold the importance of the less than 1% of our population above the needs of the the systems that are educating and preparing our future, as well as the safety and the stability of our infrastructure and citizens! We paid our educators, soldiers and public servants as if they were secondary citizens then turn around and pay some dude that can catch a ball pretty good MORE than the entire annual budgets of  some towns! Then to top it off, that same dude feels like he’s a higher class of citizen than those who support him with their time, devotion and monies! All this, in my opinion is a fundamental problem in the priorities of our society as a whole! Rome, it is well documented, fell because it’s citizenry focused more on entertainment and carnal pleasures, than on the education of it’s forth coming generations and infrastructure.  Folks… this is where America is headed. People continuously quandary as to why we are so far behind “developing” countries. We are America! We are the top of the food chain! Yeah, NOT! Municipalities fund massive sporting venue projects for teams who’s members are most likely not from there, for the sake of tourism and status. Meanwhile they let the infrastructure, beyond said venue, and educational systems decay to the point of antiquity! Then wonder why the dedicated few who actually work for the insulting wages leftover, can’t successfully manage educating our children and maintaining our infrastructure. So they implement the “numbers game” on the educators and cut infrastructure departments to mere ghosts of what they should be. But hey… they have the most fucking bad ass football stadium in the country! Very few can enjoy it because their wages are too little for the amount of work they do (or are simply not employed because the infrastructure eroded to the point that that businesses re-located elsewhere!) and must take on multiple jobs just to support their families at a sustenance level. I mean, my thinking may be WAY off based, but wouldn’t a higher  number of well educate citizens and a stable and sustainable infrastructure be more likely to attract and maintain businesses that will employ more, which in turn would provide them the monies to enjoy such a  venue?! We’re placing the horse behind the cart and wondering why we are going backwards! We need to focus our efforts on bolstering a shaky, at best, infrastructure and throwing our celebration and it’s associated monies into educating our children. One man’s simple opinion, but if you look at it, it makes sense! You provide a business with a large, well educated and motivated pool to draw their employees from and a strong, stable infrastructure to support their operations… they will come! With these businesses will also come a stronger tax base, a greater sense of pride in the community, and the funding to be able to attend events at the “crowning jewel” sports venue. I mean come on… it doesn’t matter how powerful/beautiful/cool the pump is… if it’s not got a well under it… it’s pretty much a waste of money! Don’t get me wrong, here… sports are great for their cooperative, collaborative and fitness building abilities… FOR OUR CHILDREN… When people are more willing to pay $100 for a replica of their favorite player’s jersey and unwilling to spend $30 on supplies for their children’s education… We have a problem, folks!

Just sayin

24 January 2011 Posted by | argosytech, athletics, Blog, infrastructure, Just Sayin, kids, school, sports, Superbowl, The Future, venting | Leave a comment